One fine morning, a sudden horrifying call from PPIB (Pusat Penataran Ilmu & Bahasa) department saying that I got a "warning
letter" from my Japanese lecturer (whose name is Dennis, and we call him sensei.. XD) for 'NOT ATTENDING' the 22nd Nov 13 Japanese
class...????????? (o.O)"
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::>> which was not true at all. I insist.
The phone call somehow more or less, started like this :
*phone vibrates in the pocket*
ME : Hello?
PPIB : Ini cik Nur Amalina Kamaruddin ke?
ME : Ye saya...ada ape?
PPIB : Saya dari pejabat PPIB, dekat sini saya ada surat amaran dari
pensyarah cik yg menyatakan cik tak hadir ke kuliah Bahasa Jepun
Tahap III pada 22 Nov...
ME : Huh? O.o"
PPIB : Ye cik. Nanti bole saya mintak cik ke pejabat PPIB untuk ambik surat
amaran ni ye?
ME : Tapi saya tak pernah ponteng kelas Jepun tuh...mesti ada silap.
PPIB : *baca details n no matrik*
ME : T______T" sigh...
PPIB : Macam ni la cik, ini baru surat amaran pertama cik. Apa kata cik
datang ke pejabat dulu ambik surat ni. Sila jumpa dengan Puan
***** ye untuk ambik surat tu. (aku tak ingat la nama puan tu..)
Ok ye cik...
ME : Errr. ok ok. T_____T"
* letak fon. haish. tak puas hati. *
This is not my first time actually. Sebelum ni pon dah kena panggil masuk bilik dean, but that one was not my fault. But this one....seems to give me lots of pressure since I was really there in the class and through that phone call, I was like..." Whuuuuut ?????? >_<"
Dah la tengah hari tuh, I'oll ada oral exam Jepun dengan sensei tu. Tak tenang jiwa tambah dengan ketaq nak oral pon tak habeh lagi.
Ottoke =..=" ???
--> "For as long as I could remember, I never skip any of my Japanese classes for this sem... I must be crazy if I skip the class.."
Lalu kerunsingan jiwa aku tuh di lihat oleh seorang member course aku, dia pon tanya la. Aku dengan muka dramatik and konon mcm trauma cakap, aku dapat warning letter yg aku ponteng kelas Jepun time 22hb Nov ari tuh. Lepas tuh, kitorang pon mcm mengong jap.
Masing2 tengok muka masing2 macam hape tah. haha.
Krik krik krik.
Member aku cakap, "Macam mana ko bole dapat kol PPIB cakap ko tak datang kelas, sedangkan aku rasa la, kalau aku pegi kelas pon kau ada sekali kan? Patotnya kalo ko ponteng pon, mesti la dengan aku2 sekali dapat surat amaran...sebab aku yakin setiap kali kelas kita tiga orang mesti duduk sekali..."
Aku pon iyakan la. Betul jugak. Kitorang bertiga memang duduk sekali. (Ada sorang lagi member course aku yang amek Jepun mcm kitorang jugak.)
"Mungkin agaknya...ko ni tak sign attendance sheet kot ari tu..."
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa begitu kot. Mungkin. Haesh. =..="
Aku yg terpempan sendiri ni mcm tak fokus dah. Kurang dari 2 jam lagi nak oral test. Kitorang time tuh baru habes kelas Marine Ecology dgn Mr Ali. Tengah melepak study kat SST (konon la...XD)
Dalam bingung2 tak percaya tuh, aku mintak dia teman aku nanti pegi pejabat PPIB ambik surat tuh. Dia cakap, " kita pegi amek sekarang la. Nanti kita bole terus pegi office dia and before start oral nih, ko bole pegi tanya dia terus apesal yg ko dapat surat amaran tuh. Ko tunjuk la bukti yang ko ada kat kelas hari tuh... :D "
Aku macam tak nak mula2 sebab trauma kan, tapi last2 kitorang pegi jugak PPIB time tuh. T__T"
Dah ke pejabat PPIB, kitorang menapak ke office sensei plak.Time tuh tinggal sejam lagi before oral test start.
*ketuk pintu. bukak. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.*
ME : Hey sensei... :)
SENSEI : *smiling* Hey, come in. What's your problem?
ME : Em, sensei...I wonder why did I got a call from PPIB department just
now, saying that I got a warning letter from you because I didn't
attend your class on 22nd Nov?
SENSEI : *muka pelik* Wait. What's your name? Amalina right?
ME : Yes, I'm from the Friday class.
SENSEI : *checked through the attendance list. pouting. then he showed me
the list. stared to my face. pen dekat mulut.*
ME : *tengok attendance. tepuk dahi. aduh. sah la memang tak sign pon.*
SENSEI : Where were you that day? You're not in my class??? *staring in
disbelieve. his blue eyes. cantik pulak =3*
ME : I was there sensei...*sambil tunjuk buku Jepun chapter 11 yg aku
conteng dgn notes tambahan time kelas dia.* I guessssss...I missed
the attendance sheet during the class. T__T"
SENSEI : Aaaaa...I see. I knew you were there. I don't think you've ever
skipped my lesson, weren't you? You just sometimes shifted from
Friday to another day because you couldn't make it on Friday. I know
you're being so diligent, and...bla bla bla bla (panjang sket dia
cakap..tak tangkap. haha~) And you did even came twice to my last
lecture, last week. I noticed that because you've been so excellent
when I asked, all of the sudden...something that makes me a little
suspicious...*he laughed* XD
ME : *embarassed. giggling. but proud. haha~*
ME : Sensei, would I be banned from taking final exam? *exaggerating
SENSEI : no. You wouldn't for real. It's just the first warning letter
anyway. Don't take it seriously...
ME : But, that gives me a bad record already...T___T"
SENSEI : Naaaaa...that's nothing. I won't deduct anything from your
performance marks anyway. I knew you're there..It's just you forgot
to sign the attendance sheet. Just ignore the warning letter. It's not
that serious.. Ignore the letter and live your life as usual... I've to
send the warning letter to the office since it's my job, or the Dean
will ask me why my students didn't show up without the MC
or any exception letter. I didn't realize that your name was there
since I've so many students. So, forgive my ignorance yaa.
*also making his funny type of face. Undescribable. But funny..his
students know how funny he is..*
ME : NO NO sensei. It's my fault for not being alert with the attendance.
I'm sorry. *feeling sorry. really. sorry sensei. I'm not even mad.*
ME : Emmm...then about the letter from the person who called me this
morning, should I really go n take the letter and do something bout
SENSEI : No no. Just ignore her. *buat muka kerut cute. pouting mouth.
priceles XD. then he adviced me on my previous midtest marks and
keep encouraging me to improve more during my final exam later. he
said, that I can do much better than and it really lifted me up!!*
SENSEI : Amalina-san, if you encounter any problem in your study just before
your final, just come and meet me here. I'll be here during the
weekdays, ok. *senyum. mata biru sensei cantik la. awww.*
ME : Ok then. Err...thanks a lot sensei.. :D *happy*
SENSEI : Ok. And good luck to you, your oral test is this afternoon yaa... :D
ME : Yes sensei.. *T___T" OMG. adhuuuuyai...*
* senyum paksa. keluar bilik. pheeeuw lega =..=*
--> Macam ni la lebih kurang watashi sembang ngan sensei semalam nih.
Anyway, lega rasa sensei tak deduct markah since kecuaian aku yg tak dapat dinafikan tuh. Padan la muka malin. Lain kali lupa lagi sign attendance. haha.
Bukan hape...I did attend the class and kinda flabbergasted to get such a horrifying
call in the morning before my Japanese oral test. =..="
Rasa macam kena karen pon ade.
--> "Oh, how stupid la yang aku bole lupa nak sign attendance. T____T"
*tepuk dahi tepuk dahi tepuk dahi*
Oh thank you so much la sensei. Dah la baik, walaupon tegas tapi sensei ni bagi aku sopan dan memahami. Dan sangat la charming. Dan mata biru...XD Dia tak hensem mana tapi manis kalau usha dia senyum. haha~ He's a perfect type of lecturer that I really adore and really looking forward to go to his class. Tak sia2 kalau pegi kelas dia hari2 pon belajar benda yg sama. Sebab he knows how to entertain his students.
Dari tak suka bahasa Jepun, jadik minat pulak. Pernah jugak macam angau sat
See how much positiveness that he has brought upon me. I never slept in his class, tak mcm time sem 1. Kelas Jepun adalah port aku untuk tidur setiap minggu. haha~ And, I did study (kadang2 tak jugak pon. hihi..) before went to his class, bukan sebab takot or terpaksa, tapi sebab dia suka tanya random kat student dia, so kita akan aware dan malu kalau salah jawab. haha~ Dan dia dah sebabkan aku berusaha keras nak score exam Jepun. Berbanding Sem 1, gred aku tersangat la teruknya n masuk sem 2, giler banyak berubah peningkatannya. Dari gred D(=..=)"kantoiiii* sem 1, Sem 2 naik pi gred B+(^_^)* ehem2*. Kira ok la walau tak dapat A pon, sebab yg nih pon dah kira membanggakan la bagi aku yg konon tak cerdik Jepun time sem 1...
(bole terima anugerah peningkatan prestasi weyh kalau kat sekolah...)
Dari buta huruf Jepun n tergagap2 baca hiragana n katakana, sem 2 aku banyak gila la improve. Express, macam Shikansen (sejenis komuter ke, kereta api laju kat Jepun tuh..) Huh...sekarang nih dah kira penghujung sem 3, dah lebih kurang 2 sem aku bahagia belajar Jepun. Tapi kelas Jepun dah habes minggu lepas, lepas nih tinggal final exam je...huhu. And there would be no more Japanese class next sem. T____T"
I miss being in his class already.
He's such a good sensei. Thank God for that. Walaupon pada mulanya aku sangat anti kelas Jepun and terkejut dugong lagi bila tau time sem 2, sensei kitorang adalah bukan sensei Jepun yg kitorang harap2kan. Sensei Dennis tuh Dutch, orang Netherlands lagi, so aku bajet memang mampus habis la aku time sem 2 tuh. Tapi sangkaan aku memang jauh nor tersasar. Dari first class, aku dah terpegun dengan how good he attracted my attention to every words he said. Balik dari kelas kan rasa macam best ooooo. Selalu mood aku akan rosak habes after kelas Jepun. haha.
Hmm..I'll cherish every moment being in his classes. Sensei...thank you. You're such a wonderful person in my eyes. teehee~ :D
Eh jap...nah, nak tunjuk sket my sensei tuh.. tadaaa !!
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Haaaaa. Ni la my sensei.. Eh? Ok ok. Joking. Ini my ex-boyfriend, EHHHH???? *dush dush XD* | | | | \/ |
hahaa,exhilarating much, btw malin, goodluck , len kali jangan lupa sign attendance eh :P
hahahaha~ terima kasih. saya memang exaggerating sket. konon impact lebih kuat. hihihi :D baik la cikgu murni :D
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